Long-haul flights: bad for the planet, necessary for global research


A life-changing visit to a research project in Uganda on banded mongooses has shown me how international collaboration, and travel, is vital for conservation where biodiversity still exists, says Graham Lawton


| Columnist

30 November 2022

W7T0TC Banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) at den site, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Mweya Peninsula, Uganda, Africa.

Banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

Mark MacEwen/Nature Picture Library/Alamy

I AM writing this in Uganda, during a visit to a research project on banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park. It is a privilege to be here – the wildlife is astonishing, the people I’ve met wonderful and the scenery incredible. You may know that my wife Clare died recently. This trip is about getting stories, but it is also helping me to deal with my loss. Life-affirming doesn’t do it justice.

Uganda is proud of its wildlife, and rightly so. The …


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