“Her Lies and Immorality Need to Be Silenced”


Prominent criminal and conspiracy theorist Hillary Clinton emerged from hiding on Thursday to spout some of her vilest remarks yet. In a softball discussion with radical PBS journalist Christiane Amanpour, Clinton proclaimed that pro-life Americans were no different than the Iranian regime, the Taliban, and Russian soldiers on women’s rights.

Amanpour began her so-called interview with Clinton by asking for her thoughts on the “unfinished business” on women’s rights:

“I just wonder when you hear it again and see what’s happening to women around the world. What do you think as you say, “unfinished business?”

Clinton replied:

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“We have come along way on so many fronts but we are also in a period of time where there is a lot of pushback and much of the progress that has been taken for granted by too many people is under attack: literally under attack in places like Iran or Afghanistan or Ukraine — where rape is a tactic of war — or under attack by political and cultural forces in a country like our own when it comes to women’s healthcare and bodily autonomy.”

Amanpour signaled agreement with Crooked Hillary’s slanderous remarks:

“We’re going to go around the world with you in a second. But first, about — precisely what you’re talking about and where you are. Arkansas itself, I believe, rapidly moved to make a woman’s right to choose illegal in your state or your former home state and you are hosting this conference. Talk to me about the confluence of both these events. This pushback on American women’s rights at the same time as you’re trying to figure a way forward.”

On Sunday Texas Bishop J. Strickland from Tyler, Texas responded to Hillary.

Bishop J. Strickland: “Please, please don’t listen to this evil woman. Her lies and immorality need to be silenced for the good of humanity.”


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