“THE NATION IS WATCHING” – Trump Attorney Christina Bobb Discusses Kari Lake’s Historic Election Lawsuit And Upcoming Hearings (VIDEO)


President Trump’s campaign attorney Christina Bobb joined The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson yesterday following Tuesday’s administrative scheduling hearing in Kari Lake’s historic case against the Rigged and Stolen 2022 Midterm Election.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people tuned in to watch the hearing live, causing technical difficulties on the Maricopa County Superior Court live stream. Leftwing Hack reporters began attacking conservatives for the delays.

“They have so much evidence, and I think, quite honestly, the nation is watching,” said Bobb

The Gateway Pundit reported that Judge Peter Thompson tentatively scheduled a trial for next week, giving the County and Katie Hobbs until today to file a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Lake’s response to the motion is due on Saturday, and each side will have one hour for oral argument on December 19.

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After the hearing, Kari Lake told The Gateway Pundit, “we are confident that, given the opportunity, we will expose this election for the sham it was.” Before the hearing, she sent out a press release highlighting critical findings from the lawsuit to nullify and overturn the election or hold a new election free from conflicts of interest.

Lake actually attended the hearing Tuesday. Katie Hobbs was AWOL, just like during the election.

Hobbs oversaw this chaos of an election as Secretary of State, campaigned from her basement, threatened to jail County Officials if they did not certify her illegitimate election, and refused to debate Kari Lake. No honest person believes that she won this election.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this lawsuit and the smoking gun evidence presented in the filing.

A Runbeck whistleblower revealed in Lake’s filing that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots had no chain of custody documentation. This is a shocking and massive violation of the law. Twenty-five thousand ballots were added to Maricopa County’s totals after election day with no explanation of why the number of remaining ballots could increase. Also, tens if not HUNDREDS of thousands of mail-in ballots with mismatched signatures were illegally counted in violation of Arizona law.

Additional whistleblower testimony reveals that Maricopa County deliberately planned an in-person voting disaster, where printers and tabulators failed at more than 59% of the 223 vote centers on Election Day. Voters on Election Day turned out for Kari Lake by a ratio of about 3:1. This caused massive voter disenfranchisement for the 60% of Arizona’s voters who live in Maricopa County.

Christina Bobb said, “this is the most robust and factually thick election challenge that I have seen in the couple of years that I’ve been working on elections.”

Read Kari Lake’s bombshell filing here.

On Monday, Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli filed another lawsuit in Mohave County against Maricopa County, revealing that Maricopa used artificial intelligence to verify ballot envelope signatures in violation of Arizona statutory law. Maricopa County’s illegal and fraudulent signature verification diluted the voting strength and disenfranchised all other counties in the state.

Bobb said that both cases will help each other prove the illegitimacy of this election.

EXCLUSIVE: AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli Lawsuit Against Maricopa County Includes Evidence Maricopa Performed Illegal Voter Signature Verifications – FILING AND SHOCKING EXHIBITS INCLUDED

However, Hobbs and Maricopa County’s attorneys on Tuesday did everything possible to make this case seem illegitimate and prevent a trial where the evidence is presented.

They are terrified that this judge will approve the requested relief, allowing plaintiffs to inspect Maricopa County ballots from the 2022 general election, including ballot signature envelopes and the corresponding signatures on file with Maricopa County, prior to trial and examine the causes and extent of the printer-tabulator problems encountered on election day.

Hacks in the Fake News Media are also doing everything in their power to discredit this historic lawsuit and claim the 2022 election was run fairly, despite the clear evidence of fraud and misconduct by election officials.

Watch the full hearing from Tuesday here.

Christina’s upcoming book, “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024,” is set to expose the corruption in the Democratic Party and the weak RINO establishment with an introduction from Steve Bannon. Preorder it today!

The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson and Trump attorney Christina Bobb discussed the lawsuits from Kari Lake and Senator Borrelli yesterday.

Watch below:

Conradson: What are your key takeaways from the hearing?

Bobb: I’m excited to see it move forward. You know, we’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting because Arizona law requires the challenge to come after certification. So, it’s nice to see some actual movement. I thought the judge seemed fair and appropriate at the hearing. I expect them to survive the motion to dismiss that will probably soon be filed and heard on the 19th, and I expect to go forward with the hearings, evidentiary hearings, on the 21st and 22nd. And then from there, it’ll be interesting because whatever the court decides, I think it’s going to get appealed; both sides are going to appeal. So, ultimately, this case, I think, is going to be decided by the Arizona Supreme Court. I think this is the most robust and factually thick election challenge that I have seen in the couple of years that I’ve been working on elections. So, you know, Kari Lake has the law on her side. She has the facts on her side. It will be interesting to see if the judges have the backbone to actually do the right thing and make sure that Arizona elections are secure.

Conradson: I’m excited to see some of this evidence presented in court and see some heads explode. So, in your opinion, what are some of the most egregious instances of election fraud and law violations presented in Kari’s lawsuit?

Bobb: Well, certainly the fact that the Democrat candidate was running the elections, and then on election day, over half of the machines malfunctioned and had some error. We now have a whistleblower from the company that actually certifies the machines to be valid and used for the election, and that whistleblower is saying that the error that occurred on Election Day had to be intentional because those machines were tested the weekend before, and tested just fine. And then, the error that occurred leads them to believe that somebody went in and actually manually changed the settings so that the machines wouldn’t be able to read the ballot. So that’s intentional interference in the election and the fact that the Democrat candidate then threatened the counties, saying, you have to certify me as the winner, or we’re going to seek criminal prosecution. Oh, and by the way, I won. Look, yay, I’m the governor. I mean, none of it holds any water. You’ve got whistleblowers at Runbeck, the ballot printing company, saying that 300,000 ballots were illegally inserted into the count that were not part of the lawful chain of custody. I mean, this goes on and on and on. They’ve got eyewitnesses, they’ve got declarations from people, they have so much evidence, and I think, quite honestly, the nation is watching. I think the nation is just looking at Arizona going, yeah, this is pretty messed up.

Conradson: More evidence was actually presented in Sonny Borrelli’s lawsuit that these Runbeck employees or Maricopa County was using automated signature verification with artificial intelligence. This is against the law. What do you see here with Kari Lake’s case? How is this going to help her, and how are they going to work together?

Bobb: I think the cases help each other, right? They both have done their own investigations and come up with complementary evidence. So Sonny Borrelli’s case is saying, look, they’ve prima facie violated Arizona law by using artificial intelligence to check signatures when that is not permitted in Arizona law. Prima facie, it was illegally administered. So that right there is a very strong case and a very strong argument that the way that this election was administered violated Arizona law and, therefore, should be discarded and thrown out, 100%, and he’s absolutely right. Now again, whether the courts do that or not, you know, we’ll see what kind of integrity they have because there’s no way, there’s absolutely no way, that this election passes muster. I mean the Rasmussen poll also shows that 72% of Arizona voters, Republican, Democrat, and independent, 72% of them believe that the election was rigged. So I think the courts need to grow a spine and do the right thing and say, we have to have higher standards for this. Maricopa, if you actually want your votes to count, you have to run a clean election. And they didn’t, and I think their tally needs to be thrown out.

Preorder “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024” by Christina Bobb today!


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