Starburst adds low code and Warp Speed capabilities to Enterprise and Galaxy offerings

Analytics software provider Starburst introduced several new updates to its Enterprise and Galaxy offerings at its annual Datanova conference to support analytics and AI workloads for enterprises.

Starburst Enterprise is the company’s data management and analytics platform that offers an enterprise version of Trino, an open source, distributed SQL query engine for big data that allows users to query data from multiple data sources within a single query.

Starburst Galaxy, on the other hand, is the company’s managed Trino SQL query engine service.

Faster query processing with Warp Speed

To increase the speed of query processing, Starburst has introduced a smart indexing and caching solution called Warp Speed.

Starburst claims that the solution will accelerate queries by up to seven times by splitting data blocks and automatically choosing the most effective index for each block. This reduces query response time and optimizes data lake performance by autonomously identifying and caching the most used or relevant data based on the usage pattern analysis.

Smart indexing and caching are a combination of processes that can be used to accelerate text-based queries, which most enterprises prefer because these kinds of searches can be used by non-technical users as well.

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