MASSIVE Machine Failures And Voter Disenfranchisement In Red Districts Of Maricopa County “Could Not Arise Absent INTENTIONAL MISCONDUCT” Says IT and Elections Expert


Kari Lake’s historic lawsuit contesting the 2022 election includes sworn testimony from former voting machine tester and IT expert Clay Parikh, who stated that the massive printer and voting machine failures on election day “could not arise absent intentional misconduct.”

Kari Lake put out a press release today highlighting critical findings from the lawsuit she filed on Friday, seeking to nullify and overturn the election or hold a new election free from conflicts of interest.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the Arizona election was stolen from Kari Lake and other Trump-Endorsed candidates for office through censorship on social media and massive election-day irregularities. Machines and printers in red districts failed Republican voters on election day, causing as long as four-hour waits and disenfranchising Republicans. Elections officials also colluded with big tech and the Federal Government to silence their Republican opponents.

A roving attorney with the RNC reported that “72 of the 115 vote centers (62.61%) we visited had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots, causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting.”

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This Election Day failure was clear intentional misconduct by Maricopa County. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), run by Kari Lake-hating operative Stephen Richer kept a GOP heat map on its wall before the 2022 election to plot their crime.

BREAKING: Maricopa County Kept a GOP Heat Map of Expected Voters Hanging on Their Wall – Then 84 PERCENT of Voting Centers with Machine Problems on Election Day were in DEEP RED DISTRICTS!

The testimony in Lake’s lawsuit is more evidence that this was an intentional error created to disenfranchise Republican Election Day voters.

Kari Lake War Room tweeted highlighting this expert testimony, which Parikh signed under penalty of perjury.

Lake’s lawsuit states that printers and tabulators failed at more than 59% of the 223 vote centers on Election Day, where voters turned out for Kari Lake by a ratio of about 3:1.

From Kari Lake’s filing:

Ballot Printers and Tabulator Failures At More Than 59% of Maricopa County’s 223 Vote Centers Created Chaos on Election Day

The rampant errors, confusion, and equipment failures on Election Day in Maricopa County reduced the number of votes cast and votes counted from citizens who chose to vote on Election Day. The result of this confusion was predictable – a larger reduction in the number of votes cast for Lake, a much smaller reduction in the number of votes cast for Hobbs, and a highly improper relative advantage created for Hobbs.

Election-Day voters in Maricopa County favored Lake in the race for Governor of Arizona by a wide ratio, approximately 3:1.

The citizens who were deterred from voting, or whose votes were not counted on Election Day, would have given Lake a material gain of votes that could have changed the outcome of the race.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Clay Parikh was an expert witness in the Lake v. Hobbs lawsuit to ban electronic voting machines in Arizona’s elections. Parikh is the lead information systems security officer for the ground missile defense system for Northrop Grumman. Prior to that, he worked for Lockheed Martin and Leidos through their merger as the deputy cyber manager for the Army Corps of Engineers.

He also worked as a security tester and a security subject matter expert for Wyle Laboratories and Pro V&V.  Parikh claims to have tested hundreds of voting systems, including the Dominion and ES&S voting machines, throughout his career as part of the certification process for the EAC and Secretaries of State. He holds a CISSP certification (Certified Information System Security Professional), as well as certification as an ethical hacker and a certified hacking forensics investigator.

The federal Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also released a report on Dominion Voting Machines, confirming massive security vulnerabilities and potential for hacking exist.

However, this previous lawsuit was dismissed by corrupt Obama-appointed Judge John Tuchi, who later sanctioned Lake’s attorneys in order to, in his own words, “send a message.”

Although Kari Lake and Mark Finchem were proven right by the machine failures on Election Day, Obama-Judge John Tuchi sanctioned them on December 1, months after the request by Maricopa County was made and days before the Midterm Election was improperly certified. It appears he was attempting to deter Lake and her attorneys from filing a lawsuit contesting the stolen election.

Qualified cyber expert Clay Parikh testified in Kari Lake’s lawsuit that “given the required standards and procedures involved with the election process, an unintentional widespread failure of this magnitude occurring could not arise absent intentional misconduct.”

He also stated, “The county also did not sufficiently provide the affected voters with instructions nor the poll workers with procedures for the contingency plan or ‘back up plan’, let alone ensure the plan and the mitigation was implemented effectively and efficiently.”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County officials told voters on Election Day that they may vote at another location, even if they had already checked in to vote. However, they did not tell voters that they needed to check out before leaving a vote center, and according to poll workers, there was no training to check voters out of vote centers.

More from Kari Lake’s lawsuit:

Maricopa County Election Officials Are Responsible for The Failures of The Ballot On Demand Printers And Tabulators Which Resulted From Intentional Misconduct And Disproportionately Targeted Republican Voters

Given the policies and procedures governing the testing and use of electronic voting systems in Arizona, the extent and character of the problems and breakdowns encountered at Vote Centers in Maricopa County on Election Day eliminate any plausible explanation other than intentional causation as the reason for the widespread breakdowns of printers and/or tabulators at the Vote Centers that day. Maricopa County did not experience these kinds of widespread breakdowns in the days leading up Election Day, or during the limited testing performed on the election equipment. The sudden widespread appearance of preventable breakdowns on Election Day, a day on which it was known that the electorate would be heavily weighted toward voters favoring Lake, was an outcome materially and adversely and Maricopa indicates that the problems were intentionally caused.

Clay Parikh is a qualified cyber expert with nearly twenty years’ experience. He has operated at some of the highest levels in the U.S. government in the areas of Information Assurance (IA), Information Security and Cyber Security, Vulnerability Management, Security Test and Evaluation (ST&E) and system accreditation.[1] Parikh has provided cyber work and support to organizations such as NATO, NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, and multiple Department of Defense agencies within the U.S. government.

Parikh also spent nine years from 2008-2017 “perform[ing] security tests on vendor voting systems for certification from the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) or various Secretaries of State.

In his declaration, Mr. Parikh details his assessment of the events that gave rise to the catastrophic failures with the printers and tabulators on Election Day at vote centers in Maricopa County.

His conclusions as to the widespread printer and/or tabulator breakdowns on Election Day at Vote Centers in Maricopa County are damning:

Some components of the voting system used in the election were not certified thus endangering the entire voting process. The use of one of these uncertified components violates Arizona law. There were numerous procedural violations that can only be categorized as intentional. Maricopa County experienced a widespread technical breakdown across a significant portion of their vote centers. They reported 70 sites out of 223 (31.8%) voting centers were affected. Other reports list as high as 132 sites out of 223 (59.2%) were affected. Whichever figure is correct, given the required standards and procedures involved with the election process, an unintentional widespread failure of this magnitude occurring could not arise absent intentional misconduct. The explanations given to the public and media for what caused the technical issues were not correct. The county also did not sufficiently provide the affected voters with instructions nor the poll workers with procedures for the contingency plan or “back up plan”, let alone ensure the plan and the mitigation was implemented effectively and efficiently.

Mr. Parikh’s findings and conclusions also warrant an immediate and full forensic audit “to include the SiteBooks and [ballot on demand] printers to conduct a proper analysis and root cause of these issues.”

The lawsuit further states, “Maricopa County election officials’ false public statements during and after the election downplaying this debacle also support a finding of misconduct in this election.”

This is not the only evidence of criminality and wrongdoing presented by Lake and her attorneys.

A Runbeck whistleblower revealed in Lake’s filing that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots were counted without any chain of custody documentation.

HUGE: Runbeck Whistleblower Reveals That Chain Of Custody For OVER 298,942 Maricopa County Ballots Delivered To Runbeck On Election Day Did Not Exist, Employees Allowed To Add Family Members’ Ballots Without Any Documentation

Twenty-five thousand ballots were also added to Maricopa County’s totals after election day with no explanation of why the number of remaining ballots could increase.

MORE FROM KARI LAKE’S LAWSUIT: 25,000 Ballots Added To Maricopa County’s Vote Totals AFTER Election Day

Read the entire lawsuit here.

The 2022 Election in Maricopa County is irredeemably compromised, and a full forensic audit must occur!

Peacefully contact the Arizona Attorney General’s Office to demand a full criminal investigation into the Stolen 2022 Midterm Election.

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on this historic lawsuit and upcoming hearings.


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