Kevin McCarthy: GOP Will Subpoena 51 Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter’s Laptop Was ‘Russian Disinformation’


House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy has vowed to subpoena 51 senior intel officials who signed a letter prior to the 2020 election suggesting the Hunter Biden laptop story was ‘Russian disinformation.’

McCarthy’s pronouncement comes as the ‘Twitter Files‘ dropped by Elon Musk have proven the social media platform deliberately censored the laptop story as directed by the DNC and President Joe Biden’s campaign.

With the GOP set to assume the majority in the House come January, the California Republican is promising to hold the intel officials who helped cast doubt on the story accountable.

McCarthy said of those who signed the letter that he’ll “bring them and subpoena them before a committee” when Republicans take control.

“Those 51 intel agents that signed a letter that said the Hunter Biden information was all wrong — was Russia collusion — many of them have a security clearance,” said McCarthy.

“Why did they sign it?” He continued. “Why did they lie to the American public? A Clapper, a Brennan? Why did you use the reputation that America was able to give to you more information, but use it for a political purpose and lie to the American public?”

RELATED: Elon Musk: Twitter Files Prove Censorship Was ‘Enforced Against the Right But Not Against the Left’

51 Intel Officials Said Hunter Laptop Story Was ‘Russian Disinformation’

The ‘Twitter Files’ has cast sunlight on the process behind the scenes involving Twitter officials who went out of their way to censor the story prior to the 2020 presidential election.

The situation also renews scrutiny on the 51 intel officials who gave some cover for the Big Tech company in their reasoning for squashing the story.

In a letter signed by over 50 intelligence officials published just weeks before the election, the authors admitted they “do not know if the emails [on Hunter Biden’s laptop] … are genuine” and that they “do not have evidence of Russian involvement.”

They published the letter regardless, essentially citing a hunch.

“If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this,” they said of the New York Post’s story, adding it has “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

RELATED: NY Post Slams Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter’s Laptop Was ‘Russian Disinformation’: Desperate To Get Biden Elected

Never Been Held Accountable

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former CIA Directors Mike Hayden, John Brennan, and Leon Panetta, all signed the letter.

While the media has reluctantly and slowly confirmed the authenticity of the contents of the laptop, none of these individuals has ever apologized for misleading voters and tampering with an American election.

McCarthy is right in that many of the 51 intel officials still hold a security clearance despite having helped spread false propaganda.

One, in particular, Jeremy Bash, was recently named as a key member of President Biden’s Intelligence Advisory Board. An announcement for Bash’s appointment was published on the White House website in August.

Another, former CIA officer David Priess, was given a platform to offer an apology on Fox News and instead doubled down.

Priess, author of the book titled – I kid you not – “How to Get Rid of a President,” was challenged by host Bret Baier in October.

Baier read back the “classic earmarks” segment of the letter and asked, “Why did you sign onto that?”

Rather than admit to disseminating his own misinformation, Priess argued that people tend to leave out that “elsewhere in the letter – if you read it – that it also says we don’t know if this is a Russian operation at all.”

“That has been dramatically changed in the retelling of the story,” he added.

If you didn’t know, you never should have signed the letter.

What has changed dramatically is that the 51 intel officials have been proven liars. The media helped amplify that lie. And Twitter shut down opposition to that lie unilaterally.

All in an effort to get Joe Biden elected.

Subpoenas and hearings will be a good start, but it amounts to nothing if somebody isn’t held accountable for this insurrection.

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