January 6 Police Snub McConnell, McCarthy During Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony (VIDEO)


Someone should tell GOP leaders Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy that no amount of groveling will make the left accept them.

January 6 police officers were awarded Congressional Gold Medals on Tuesday at a ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda.

“May this medal, the highest honor that Congress can bestow, serve as a token of our nation’s deepest gratitude and respect. Not as full but as a token,” Pelosi said in remarks shortly before awarding the medals.

The officers shook hands with Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer as they accepted their medals.

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However, they all quickly walked by McConnell and McCarthy.

McConnell’s hand was outstretched and ready for handshakes, but the officers snubbed him.

McCarthy still praised the officers after the snub.

“To all the law enforcement officers who keep this country safe: thank you,” McCarthy said. “Too many people take that for granted, but days like today force us to realize how much we owe the thin blue line.”

McConnell also thanked the officers after the snub, according to reporters.



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