Elon Musk Says Advertisers Are Returning to Twitter


Elon Musk Saturday evening said advertisers are returning to Twitter.

“Just a note to thank advertisers for returning to Twitter,” Elon Musk said without offering any other details.

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Elon Musk last month accused activist groups of “trying to destroy free speech in America” with their pressure tactics to drive advertisers away from Twitter after he took control of the social media company.

Musk said Twitter has seen a “massive drop in revenue.”

In September General Motors announced a suspension of advertising.

In early November other companies including General Mills, Pfizer, Mondelez and Audi announced suspension of advertising on Twitter.

According to reports, Twitter lost 50 of its top 100 advertisers after Elon Musk took over.

It is unclear which advertisers have returned to the platform.


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