Elon Musk Blasts the Corporate Media for Ignoring the Twitter Files, Which Exposed Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship


Twitter owner Elon Musk has blasted the corporate media for ignoring the Twitter Files, which exposed how the Hunter Biden laptop story was censored on the platform.

The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS News, and ABC News ignored the story over the weekend.

Radio host Clay Travis had tweeted, “there is not one single article about @elonmusk or the @twitter email release last night on @nytimes app this morning.”

“The @washingtonpost , which literally has ‘Democracy dies in darkness’ at the top of its paper: not one single article about @elonmusk or @twitter ’s email release last night,” Travis continued. “How is this possible @JeffBezos ? Do you own a newspaper or a propaganda rag?”

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Travis’ tweet thread continued, “remember one of the biggest, if not the biggest, powers of media is deciding which stories to cover. If you just read @nytimes & @washingtonpost , as tens of millions do, you’d have no idea about last night’s news on this site. The vast majority of Americans don’t use Twitter.”

“Whatever your politics are, if you’re in media and you don’t think new revelations about the most severe censorship of a newspaper’s story in big tech history isn’t a story worthy of covering you aren’t a journalist you’re a propagandist,” Travis concluded.

In response, Musk tweeted, “That is because The New York Times has become, for all intents and purposes, an unregistered lobbying firm for far left politicians.”

YouTuber Viva Frey wrote, “they are working hard to turn a scandal into a non-story,” to which Musk replied, “And, in doing so, destroy their credibility.”

The Twitter Files, part one, was released on Twitter by journalist Matt Taibbi on Friday evening. They revealed the internal correspondence among Twitter employees about censoring the article and handling the backlash. They also revealed that the platform was censoring people at the behest of, mostly, Democrat political operatives.

Explaining how the bombshell article was censored, Taibbi wrote that “they even blocked its transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography.”


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