Orchestration and choreography in .NET microservices

As more businesses adopt microservice architectures for their applications, more developers have had to grapple with the concepts of orchestration and choreography. Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there are key differences between these two architectural patterns.

Orchestration is a centralized approach to making all control decisions about interactions between services. Here a central orchestrator service coordinates all of the other services that execute a business transaction or workflow. By contrast, a choreography is a decentralized approach to coordinating this workflow, where each service determines its own behavior based on the messages it receives from other services.

This article will cover the core concepts of orchestration and choreography in microservices architectures and discuss how you might use each (or both) in your microservices-based applications. We’ll also simulate microservices orchestration and choreography in code examples provided below.

What is microservices architecture?

Microservices refer to a style of software architecture where a large application can be built as a conglomeration of small, autonomous services. Each microservice has a specific purpose and is deployable independently.

A microservices architecture makes it easy to scale individual services as needed. It also allows for more speed and flexibility when making changes to the application because only the affected service needs to be redeployed.

Two main approaches to managing communication between microservices are orchestration and choreography. Let’s understand the differences.

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